March, Combat and Archery rules
The March
The combat kit (and civilian also) have to be fitted to a long march through the difficult terrain in hot weather. There is long journey ahead of us, on the first day we will march about 20km(12 miles) and about 6km(4 miles) on the other. Perhaps it will not be enough pack animals, or they will fail to carry burden and then we will carry all the water supply by ourselves. In the past campaigns, we had done it already.
The march includes two different types -
Travel and Combat.
The objective of the Travel march - movement to the destination. Battle engagement only assumed, but not allowed. The march will go by trails of various degrees of difficulty. On the road sections that will allow it (the Roman road for example), we will train the interaction between all the millitary forces on the march - the cavalry and the convoy will be surrounded and protected by infantry. Owners of the heavy helmets with masks will be able to remove and carry it by the sling, spear or bow of a saddle, the same rule applies to mittens. While entering the area of possible contact with the enemy, we switch from Travel to Combat march.
Combat march involves direct contact with the enemy and, accordingly, full combat readiness. Participants should wear full combat protection and to form the combat ranks.
Combat ranks can be formed only from infantry or dismounted cavalry. Animals and civilians will be left behind, beyond the reach of the enemy's arrows.
Only owners of helmets and shields will be allowed in the front line. The rest will be hiding behind a wall of shields, until troops engaged in melee and the archers finished their job.
Combat engagement will use hit-point system and will occur only in areas of probable contact with the enemy, only when all participants switched to Combat march and only between men on foot.
Enemy archers will work hard on us. Arrows, of course, will be with soft "humanizers". And nevertheless ... Look for the special archery rules below.
Because of the possible “mass death of horses”, “dismounted” participants with a rider’s combat kit will be allowed - knights, sergeants, Mamluks, etc.
We took the usual rules of LH war, that used at similar events in territory at of Eastern Europe («Ritter Weg» and «Ratnoe Delo» rules were taken as example).
Requirements for the participants of the final contact battle at Hattin - helmet, body protection, arms protection. Participants, who will fight with sword, obligated to use a shield. The number of pole-arm carriers will be limited by the organizers (with privilege to those who had registered earlier). Combatants who do not wear body nor head protection will not engage into melee combat and will be considered «defeated/dead» at 2 meter distance from the enemy.
The effective hit areas for combat are "short pants”,”t-shirt" and a helmet. Strikes force - in accordance to the protection level of the enemy.
The combat will go by the hit-point system - 1 to 4 HP per combatant.
1 HP- Combatant without body protection. (HP taken automatically when the enemy approaches, see above)
2 HP – Quilted or padded protection.
3 HP - Metal or leather body protection.
4 HP - Extra leg protection (chain mail leggings etc.).
On Friday during the march ambush on columns of francs will be expected. The troops will be disturbed by Muslim light cavalry all the time.
The final battle will include a mounted and a unmounted parts.
1. Mounted mele. The fight will be staged but some couples can agree on a hit system and fight for win.
2. Mounted duel. Reenactment of the historical battle occurred between the Franc and the Saracen warriors.
3. After the duel, all the Franks will dismount and take the defense at the royal tent. They will form "wall of shields." Pilgrims will be attacked by Muslim cavalry.
4.The light cavalry of the Saracens will shoot from bows and throw darts on the ranks of Francs. Ranged hit takes HP. The "dead" from the arrows Franks will no longer be reborn and remain lying on the field until the end of the battle. "Wounded" lose HP for further combat. The revival of the fallen will be only by decree of the commander (with advantage to heavily armed). The task of this maneuver is to reduce the population of francs and to create a numerical advantage of the Saracens for further combat.
5. Melee comabat. Only a few mounted Saracen with darts will remain. It's supposed to be 2-3 engagments of armies. We will fight by HP-system. The approaching ranks of Francs will be shot by unmounted archers, slingers and dart-throwers of the Muslim army. Archers will fire only by volleys and only by a signal. The minimal shot distance is 20m(7ft.). At distance closer then 20 meters, starts the melee combat. During melee combat archers will not fire. Only slingers and mounted/unmounted dart-throwers will continue to fire. The revival of the fallen Francs will be only by decree of the commanders. The Saracens will be resssurected after every engagment. By the third engagment, the numerical advantage of the Muslims should become undisputed and, as a result, their Victory!!!
On Wednesday at 19:00, combat coordination and methodological exercises will take place in the first camp at the Zippori springs. The appearance of all combatants is required. All combat participants must have their swords / spears and shields for training and weapons inspection.
These were general requirements. Details on the spot.
* Man in charge for ranged combat - appointed by the organizers and monitors the implementation of these safety rules, and decides in what order the fire will take place.
* Before the start of the event, the person in charge for the ranged combat checks all throwing weapons and projectiles for compliance with safety rules. If the weapon does not comply with safety rules, the person in charge for the ranged combat prohibits its use at the event. The person in charge for the ranged combat has the right to confiscate and store weapons that do not comply with safety rules in a particular place until the end of the event, in order to exclude their accidental use. If such weapons remains, the responsibility for “non-use” lies entirely on shoulders of the participant of the event.
* At any time of the event, the man in charge for ranged combat has the right to prohibit the use of any throwing weapon or projectile at the event without giving a reason, even if it complies with all safety regulations.
* Man in charge for ranged combat has the right to prohibit the use of throwing weapons to any participant without giving reasons.
* Man in charge for ranged combat gives commands to start and to cesse fire, and monitors compliance of safety rules during the fire sequence.
* Man in charge for ranged combat may appoint assistants who have the same authority as he.
• Man in charge for ranged combat is the final authority on all matters relating to the use of throwing weapons at the event, and his decision cannot be disputed.
During the use of throwing weapons, all participants of the event are obliged to listen and follow all instructions of the man in charge for ranged combat.
Bows safety requirements
Block bows / crossbows are prohibited to use, and any other bows / crossbows that have parts (wheels, levers) leading to the effect of “Let-off”.
The bow / crossbow must be in good condition and without any cracks, chips or other damage that may cause the bow / crossbow to break during firing.
Bowstring must be in good condition, without any torn fibers, scuffs or other damage that may lead to the break during fire.
Tension weight of the bow should not exceed 35 pounds (16KGS)
The tension of the crossbow should not exceed 20kg while “the string work-path” no longer than 20cm.
The arrowhead should be made of vulcanized rubber or other soft material.
The tip of the arrow shaft should not be felt through the arrowhead.
The arrowhead must be durable, not to collapse and not able to be penetrated by the arrow shaft, even after repeatedly hitting solid objects.
The arrowhead must be firmly fixed on the shaft and should not be pulled off from it by the the “hand's force”.
The minimum diameter of the arrowhead (if the arrowhead is not round in the front projection, the diameter of the circle inscribed into the shape of the arrowhead is measured):
11/8 inch (35 mm)
Arrows Safety Requirements
The minimum diameter of the shaft is 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
The arrow shaft should be in good condition, without any cracks, chips or other damage that could cause the break during firing.
An arrow should have enough feathering so the arrow can fly with tip ahead.
Only wooden arrows are allowed.
Shooting order.
1) Ranged fire must be released not on the separate participants, but on the dense group of people imitating a battle formation (hereinafter referred to as the “battalia”).
2) All participants of the “battalia” must wear armor and a helmet.
3) People who stand in the first row of the “battalia” obliged to carry a shield and cover their face and neck with it during the ranged fire.
4) People standing in the back rows should bend their heads and look to the ground during the fire.
5) Fire goes by volleys, at the command of the person in charge for ranged combat.
6) Before the volley, the person in charge for ranged combat must check that the people in the “battalia” stand on spot and do what was described in paragraphs 3 and 4.
7) There will not be fire from a distance closer than 20 meters.
Archers are lined up next to the person in charge of the ranged combat.
If there is more than one group of shooters, then for each such a group the man in charge for the ranged combat will appoint a group commander who will monitor the safety rules during the fire and will command this group.
During the ranged fire there should be no people who are not related to the «battalia” closer than 10 meters to the right or left of “the battalia”, as well no closer than 50 meters behind «the battalia” (in the line of fire).
The commander of one group of shooters will ensure that his group is not in the line of fire of another group of shooters.